From Raster to Vector: How to Vectorize and Upscale Images in Adobe Illustrator – Graphic Design Tutorial

Vectorizing and upscaling images in Adobe Illustrator is a common task in graphic design. Converting raster (bitmap) images into vector graphics allows you to maintain the quality of an image when scaling it up. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to vectorize and upscale images in Illustrator: Step 1: Open Adobe Illustrator Launch Adobe Illustrator… Continue reading From Raster to Vector: How to Vectorize and Upscale Images in Adobe Illustrator – Graphic Design Tutorial

Graphic design inspiration and tools

Here’s a list of my favorite places to go when I am in a creative rut and need inspiration. You’ll also find a list of helpful tools to explore and create color palettes and infographics. Graphic design inspiration websites Famous design agencies Color Scheme Tools Infographic templates and generators